Chia and me

Solitary woman

When I started this blog at the beginning of the year, I was full of ardent intent to create a simple and sensible guide to eating and living well. It started off as planned: alongside the blogging, I ate three sensible and delicious meals a day with the odd nutritious snack (almonds, an apple, a couple of dried apricots) thrown in for good measure. Generally, I felt light and happy.

But at some point between then and now, I became seduced, and utterly so, by the roguish promises of health food blogs. Admittedly, this fate is hard to avoid if you spend your evenings scouring the internet for interesting and nutritious recipes because most of these are on health blogs promoting (probably paid to promote) all sorts of faddish ingredients. Both my ongoing penchant for ‘clean’ foods and hard-to-shake-off habit of looking for magic-bullet foods had weakened my resistance. Continue reading

Not spirulina again …

Green smoothie

The world has gone mad for green smoothies. Wherever I look I find health food blogs proclaiming the fountain of eternal youth spouts whizzed up celery and spirulina, perhaps with a few chia seeds thrown in for good measure. And there’s always the photo of course: the jar, the rustic background, the recycled straw. Can you hear my scepticism? (Ironic, I know, given the intentions of this blog … ) Continue reading